Thursday, January 5, 2017

Post # 3


Human Domination of Earth’s Ecosystems
It is necessary for us to recognize the immediacy of the necessity or us to take measures to counteract our previous actions and rehabilitate our environment and transform our relationship from an authoritarian exploitation based relationship into a symbiotic sustainable relationship. Although measures have started to be taken to redirect our thought process when it comes to this relationship, we not only have to understand what we have previously done to affect our environment but also have a complete understanding of both the changes at the local level and global level and their interdependent relationship.
Anthropogenic changes can be observed in the chemical, land and ocean systems of our environment, these changes don’t affect a single characteristic of our environment but for example in the changes made to land to serve the purpose of agriculture have significant effects on the biodiversity of the area transformed, which are also affected by the water and pesticide practices, which then affect the quality of water available to all species, we can then encounter problems of biomagnification and bioaccumulation and so on.
Humans are the biggest threat to the interconnected and once balanced system of our environment, and unless we start introducing measures that positively affect all parts of ur environment we are going to continue to lose not only the ability to benefit and extract materials from our environment but the environment itself.

Critical Thinking:
Almost 50% of the land surface has been transformed by human endeavours and more than half of all available fresh water is presently being used by humans. We thus have a long way to go before we run out of land or water. What is wrong with that statement.
Although the statement that we have 50% of water left seems not a very extreme situation we are failing to consider the increase iin population, increase in agriculture needs and irrigation practices, increase in affluenza and all increments related to human growth. Along human growth, there is the necessitites and growth of other species In regards to land the 50% is talking about overall land when in reality not all of land is useful and healthy enough for farming or agricultural practices and with the imminent tide rise the amount of land available and healthy enough is going to be much lower than 50%. When we consider all these factors it iis that we realize the incredibly difficult situation that we are going to be in if we don’t take the necessary measures.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being
It is time for all nations to come to their senses and realize the effects all our current practices have on environment but also its relationship with the socioeconomic status distribution around the world and how those in the lower income groups and social minorities are affected the most by the economic, social, health and political effects of the power and technology distribution in our global economy.
We must ow realize the effect of our actions and start initiatives and strategies to help us counteract and rebuild our environment, the sooner we all start working together the less damage we will have to repair. We must make the increase of biodiversity in our environment, and stop taking advantage of it for purely financial and political gain. Sustainable practices in all production and consumption areas must be introduced, in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and water our main priority has to be the maintenance and protection of resources as well as introduction of technologies that positively impact all areas of our environment and can cohesively e integrated into our societies.

Critical Thinking
Why is it difficult to manage ecosystems sustainably?
            Because of the interdependent and interconnected nature of our environment it is incredibly challenging to implement measures whilst measuring their effectiveness on the desired part of the environment but also making sure that improvement measures for one area don’t have negative effects on ono or more of the other areas.

Living Downstream: An Ecologist Looks at Cancer and the Environment
When it comes to the development of diseases the discussion has been focused on whether they are influenced by the environment or developed solely by inherited mutations. After some research, it has been possible to deduce that environmental conditions have a greater than previously recognized effect on the development of diseases in particular cancer. It is necessary for us to recognize this correlation and increase not only public awareness but also hold companies accountable for the effects of the chemicals, pollutants and pesticides currently and previously released into the environment, used in products as well as their persistence and their effects on human health.
Critical Thinking
Why is it hard to tell whether-  and how much – a chemical is carcinogenic in humans
It is incredibly challenging because effects vary with increases in dosage, depend on the individual, their genetic predisposition or other chemicals they come in contact with and their interaction; and finally, the effects of biomagnification and bioaccumulation must be considered.
Our Stolen Future
Although it has been difficult for humans to recognize, the similarities with other animal species go beyond that with monkeys and chimpanzees and into animals like turtles, who have incredibly similar estrogen circulation system. It is not surprising to find these similarities across all varieties of species because of our shared ancestry and more importantly our shared environment. Because of our learned similarities, it is possible to notice the effects of chemicals on animals with systems similar to ours and use them as predictions of how they can affect humans.

Critical Thinking
What is an environmental hormone mimic (or disruptor)?
An environmental hormone mimic is a chemical that mimics the work done by a hormone secreted by the body and disrupts the normal functioning of the system.

Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services
With increase in population and demands on the environment, there has been a decrease in overall available resources, biodiversity, and ability to recover after devastating periods. Biodiversity is crucial to the well being of all ecosystems and our capability of using the resources in a hopefully sustainable manner. The more diverse the environment is, the more capable it is to not only withstand but also recover from the human intervention. At the current levels of biodiversity loss we are still capable of going back to a well balanced ecosystem relationship.
By focusing on the reconstruction of damaged areas and moving toward sustainable fishing practices, the creation of reserves and untouchable areas we can help the oceans recover form our actions and continue to provide us and future generations with necessary resources.

Critical Thinking
What can we do to prevent a catastrophic decline in ocean fisheries by the mid 21st century?
It is necessary for us to shift toward sustainable fishing practices that don’t deplete the popular fish populations nor damage the ecosystems sitting at the bottom of the ocean floor. It is also crucial for us to move on to fishing less popular species to allow for the most affected species to reproduce and build back the population affected by human practices. Finally, the introduction of fishing practices that target the specific catch and don’t compromise other species is the necessary step to take towards saving our species.

Alex Steffen´s incredible talk shows not only that there is a lot of progress to be made but also shows areas in which we still need to improve, for example they need to transform cities and they way in which we live, transport, expand and consume in them. How the introduction of locally based versions of technology in third world countries can be the answer to some of the current developmental problems. The unrefusable need for sustainable and green practices in agriculture, architecture but most importantly to have them be all over the world at varying scales instead of just in developed countries. With the availability of technology, it has been possible for us to create incredible opportunities and services for third world countries. The one I feel is the most remarkable and impressive and probably has the biggest immediate effect on livelihood is the “LifeStraw” a straw that has the capability of purifying, removing bacteria and other microbiological contaminants in water sources, making basically any water source safe for consumption. It is only with this type of innovation and strategies that we will be able to rebalance the previously unfair distribution of resources, technology and services across the world.

Reference List

Easton, A. Thomas.(2012).Environmental studies 4th Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from!/recent
TED. (2005,07). Alex Steffen: The route to a sustainable future [Video file]. Retrieved from
[Kids drinking with LifeStraw]. (2015, May 14). Retrieved January 05, 2017, from

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Post # 2

A Sand County Almanac
Aldo Leopoldo´s “Thinking like a mountain” is a very personal reflection on human sense of superiority and their relationship to their belongings; firstly mentioning the ancient Greek perception of women as possessions, then going in depth into men´s relationship with nature and how even though we use it and abuse it´s resources we are still arrogant enough to not enter or start a reciprocal relationship with it, we are only able to be in a relationship in which we are superior and powerful over the other. Nowadays although there has been a slight improvement in this relationship we haven’t been able to ethically treat nature and all it´s resources, having the recent movements as a starting line we are still perceiving nature as only something that serves an agronomical and economic service but not something that deserves to be thanked for it´s service to manhood.
Critical Thinking:
What is the basic lesson of Aldo Leopold’s “Thinking Like a Mountain”?
The basic lesson is the necessity for us to move forward to an ideology in which we have a symbiotic relationship with nature and not one in which we name ourselves as possessors and therefore having unlimited control over nature and it´s resources.

Climate Change 2007
Global atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have exponentially increased because of fossil fuel usage, land-use changes, and current agricultural practices. As a result of global warming we are experiencing rise in temperature levels, sea levels, atmospheric water vapour level and a decrease in snow cover. Other observable and human influenced changes include wind patterns, precipitation, ocean salinity and artic temperatures.
Observed widespread warming of the atmosphere and ocean support idea that it is extremely unlikely that global climate change can be explained without external forcing; and is very likely not due to natural causes alone.
Warming tends to reduce the land and ocean`s capability of absorption of atmospheric CO2 therefore increasing the concentration of anthropogenic emissions in the atmosphere
Both past and future anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions will continue to contribute to warming and sea level rise for more than a millennium, due to the timescales required for removal of this gas from the atmosphere.
Critical Thinking

1.       Given that projections of global climate change are not certain, should we act now? If not, how long should we wait?
a.       Although the predictions on the scale or magnitude of global climate change are not certain, it is undeniable that there are increases in temperature and severity of climate related natural phenomena happening and with the increase in population and fossil fuel use the exponential growth of greenhouse gas emissions and it`s accumulation in the atmosphere is inevitable. It is only reasonable for us to start taking measures which will allow for us to not only reduce but in the future being able to live in harmony with the environment and where we are taking advantage of our renewable resources in a responsible, efficient and sustainable manner. Although it is unlikely that we will be able to reverse the damage previously done to our environment the early implementation of sustainable development and living measures will represent in the long term a lower monetary investment than the one necessary if we postponed the intervention and change necessary to reduce or control both the causes and effects of contemporary and future climate change.

A Path to Sustainable Energy by 2030

 We need to transition from fossil fuels to a clean and renewable form of energy, the most impressive options are solar, wind, geo-thermal, hydroelectric and tidal power. Battery electric and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles recharged by WWS (wind, water or solar) means could drastically reduce pollution levels from the transportation sector. However, it is most definitely important for us to implement technologies that are effective in both small and big scales as well as have the capability to reduce and maintain very low or even null emission levels in the future.
It is necessary that with whichever system we implement we are aware of the interdependent characteristics of nature and how the effective measures and results that we see should not be counteracted by techniques used in other areas of society. With some adaptations to the areas of society it is completely possible to adapt the structures present into a WWS system in which there are no resources wasted, and allows for reduction in overall consumption thanks to the lack of energy loss in the form of heat. Contrary to popular belief, with the integration of WWS systems it is possible to introduce customizations according to the specific geographical area like low wind and low sun areas because it gives us the capacity to interchange the resource we are using when other ones are not as readily available.
Even though this plan would take time to build it also represents a small footprint. And although it is expensive to introduce it can be considered a single investment plan because the payment made from consumers will pay the initial investment; and WWS systems have the capacity to generate much more energy than what we need, making it possible to not need any further investments nor expansion of the system in the future. With most the obstacles being primarily political and not technical, it is possible with the commitment at both the individual and governmental level to have the introduction of WWS clean and renewable energy.

Critical thinking
                Over the years, society has spent enormous amounts of money to build the current energy system. Why does this make it difficult to change to a new energy system?
                The difficulty is based on the belief that the energy system that we have is sufficient for us. The idea that the investment in the development and implementation of a new energy model would be even more expensive than the creation of the current model. Although the initial cost is indeed very high, there is a current perspective of just looking at the immediate requirements and instead of looking at the incredible benefits and how this is practically a single initial investment project. After the project is finished and is being brought to the general population the demand would start to cover the cost of the initial investment and there would be no need for further investments because of the capacity of energy production, needing no further expansions which happens with the current energy system.

Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization
Our society continues to fail in the controlling of environmental issues that have tremendous impacts to our food economy. The demand for food rises higher than the supplies available resulting in price inflations. Misuse of resources, the grain industry is in a battle with the energy industry over the resources. The energy industry however is more profitable and more likely to receive most of the resources putting at risk not only the American population´s supply but also those like India that have established trade deals. With our current irrigation practices and our dependence on resources that are not replenishable Water shortage and the depletion of the nutrient dense layer of nutrients in the soil are our most immediate concerns in regards to food prosperity.
The lack of resources has pushed countries towards the limitation or increased control on exports which can help each individual country in coping with the increased demand. However, it´s implementation significantly affects failed states or partially dependant countries who will then have to find another source of produce that can help balance the demand.
The strategy to establish balance consists of 4 elements, reduction by 80% of 2006 carbon emission levels by 2020, the equilibration of exponential population growth rates, vanishing of poverty, restoration of our environment and resources. Investment in the combination of reforestation of depleted areas and renewable sources of energy can significantly help the reduction of carbon emissions. The establishment of good reproductive health services across the globe, good education and an increase of the life expectancy can help not only vanish poverty but also control the worlds population. Accompanied by a shift to sustainable irrigation, soil conservation, water recycling as well as other sustainable agricultural practices
. Time is our most critical resource, the faster we begin introducing the new practices not only at the local level but also at the global level; the more likely it is we will be able to act fast enough to halt or avert the advance of factors like sea level rise which would contribute to the demise of civilization.

Critical Thinking:             
According to Lester Brown, what is the greatest threat to global political stability?
Resource shortages are a tremendous threat to political stability, considering the interdependent structure of the global economy it is important to understand that when a nation has decreased production of a certain resource it will either limit or completely prohibit the export of the resource; trying to maintain resources and low prices for the locals it not only damages trade relationships with other countries but directly affects the life expectancy of those whose basic needs are not met (failed states) and are completely dependent on the global trade market.

Women´s Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity Conservation
Vandana Shiva uses the interesting comparison between women´s role in a patriarchal society and biodiversity in an industrial agriculture centered society. She describes how women are often not considered as valuable workers; however, it is their work that allows the traditional agricultural and economical practices in Third World countries to thrive.  They have the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions with regards to all different stages of the agricultural and consumer chain of production and consumption whilst being able to maintain a symbiotic and sustainable relationship with the environment and producing goods that positively affect the livelihood of their community. This role is like that of biodiversity in the contemporary technology driven agriculture; in which biodiversity is seen as a non-important characteristic of nature that does not positively affect the production industry and is falsely believed to be a detriment to the exploitation and maximum yield capacity of Third World and overall agricultural resources.
Critical Thinking
Ecofeminists are those who consider through a feminist mindset that their position in our contemporary, patriarchal society is an advantage which allows them to have a different perception and understanding of environmental issues.

In Class Questions
What role, if any, should zoos play in conservation/education
                I personally feel that zoos should have a more educational approach to the maintenance of the societies´ interest in the interaction and development of species as well as the improvement of our own interaction with the other species that surround us.
Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos
                In my opinion it is not ethical to put our own entertainment or educational need in front of the animal´s basic needs for stimulation and interaction. Instead we should integrate technology and our longing for education to allow us to create an interactive maybe virtual reality or holographic, artificial interaction to allow to explore the wonders of nature without needing to harm nature.                             
Do you enjoy visiting zoos
                Although I have visited zoos In the past, my education has allowed me to understand the deeper meaning of the ethical concerns behind zoos and the importance of the symbiotic relationships that species shared in an uncontrolled environment.

Rob Hopkins: Transition to a World Without Oil

Hopkins proposes an initiative in which he proposes a community based initiative geared towards the solution of climate change and resource usage problems. His initiative is an incredible way to not only introduce people to a way in which they can help their community but also gives them the tools to come up with ideas alongside like minded people but teaches them and helps them implement them in a way which is efficient, sustainable and showcases incredible resilience in such difficult times. The inclusion on initiatives in schools, town and even the support of the government make this organization a good basis or start point to the unification of communities needed to solve environmental problems in the large global scale.

Reference List
Easton, A. Thomas.(2012).Environmental studies 4th Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from!/recent
SolarCity. (2016,11,22). SolarCity and Tesla: Ta’u Microgrid [Video file]. Retrieved from
TED. (2009,11,24). Rob Hopkins: Transition to a World Without Oil [Video file]. Retrieved from